One man, two worlds; both hang in the balance

“I wrote this book to share with the American public insights I have gained in living the life I have lived over the course of the past forty years. I did not choose a traditional path of life. I also have not shared much of my life with even those I was close to. It never came up, so I never openly talked about it. In that same time frame, other friends I know, graduated high school complete their degree, get married, raise a family, retired with their kids getting married.
I mention this because all I have is my story. I am prepared to share it. So, who am I? Please read the book, its ostensibly an autobiographical sketch of me. What is not mentioned is I am a research historian when I am not helping a small base of dedicated Medicare clients in their insurance plans. A parting piece from a divorce that altered my life at the same time becoming a caregiver for my 92-year old mother.
My basis of research and sharing my study and my passion dates back thirty years.
I research and share stories on the following topics;
Public Lands History; I have written pieces for local papers and have assembled Power-Point presentations for various groups at local libraries and Rotary clubs in Southern Oregon. These are centered around the history of the Gold Rush in Oregon, The Land Fraud Trials of the early 1900s and The History of the U.S. Forest Service. Also, numerous other presentations on local history of Southwest Oregon brought forth by a personal, extensive collection of material gathered over twenty years of collecting. I am a map historian with a collection numbering into the thousands with special emphasis of U.S. Forest Service history, maps, photographs, brochures, books, letters, magazines and much more. This also covers regional natural history, ethnography and geology. I serve on the board of the Crater Lake and Oregon Caves Natural History Association and have accomplished contractual work for the National Park Service in reports of the trail systems around the greater Oregon Caves areas and the National Park Service acquisition of a separate collection of material germane to the Oregon Caves area.”