One man, two worlds; both hang in the balance
Life-saving Coast Guard missions. Hunting for a century-old treasure. Exploring the Pacific Coastal mountains. The legend of Bigfoot — and an astonishing showdown involving hired hunters, a sinister collector, the U.S. government… and a magical, otherworldly twist. High adventure, legend and magical realism sweep together in THE RIDGEWALKERS, the riveting novel of Alex Boldway, and his actions that lead to a climactic showdown rife with danger, rescue, heroism… and an enduring environmental message from the beings he protects.
“In this day of dystopian daydreaming selling at a dime a bag, hope is almost a thought crime. Walter is in the queue for following Winston Smith into Room 101. How dare he be hopeful and give it to us in an adventure yarn: one part monster story, one part fairy tale, one part cliffhanger, one part multi-verse (not universe) saga in the tradition of our best fantasy and sci-fi novelists? But that’s what he does. Hype? No. He crosses this slack wire high above our heads and we can’t stop watching. The world of Bigfoot is in another dimensional fold. Walter hikes us into that realm with the sacredness of a galactic cartographer. This otherworldly breed is called to protect the earth, to prevent its permanent destruction by blind greed and short sighted exploitation. To the exploiters, Alex (and Walter) is just another tree hugger to be clear cut away like so many indigenous populations who have lived with nature for millennia. To the Manhattan minions of finance (we go there too) death is part of life. Their life and profit. Greg Walter is a real life adventurer. His appetite for adventure takes him from autobiography to exploration of legend, mythos and lore as old as our collective consciousness,”
podcasts & interviews
Greg Walter is an entrepreneur, research historian and U.S Coast Guard Veteran/Merchant Marine who spends most of his time hiking trails all over the Pacific west and has a keen interest in the history and mapping of our most treasured assets; our public lands. His historical collection numbers into the thousands of books, maps, photos and ephemera all with a focus on regional history, Native American ethnographies, the history of the U.S. Forest Service and National Park Service.
Greg Walter is also a map historian with a collection numbering into the thousands consisting of special emphasis of U.S. Forest Service history and much more. He serve on the board of the Crater Lake and Oregon Caves Natural History Association and have accomplished contractual work for the National Park Service in reports of the trail systems around the greater Oregon Caves areas and the National Park Service acquisition of a separate collection of material germane to the Oregon Caves area.


Dawn Murray, Reader
Dear Greg, your package arrived today and we are bowled over by the look of the book, the thoughtful gifts, the design of the wonderful cards and we love those fluffy creatures. They're going to bed with us to watch over us. We are in awe. We think we're witnessing a debuting fantasy literary franchise and hope you still know us when you get corporate large. The feelings that erupt from holding your book in our hands is amazing. We don't think we're alone in this reaction but the first ones to feel the surge of your wave. We love the tactile feel of the page stock and the shades of colour in the paper. The Cover stock has the reassuring substantive feel for the strong experience inside. Flipping through, thumbing through the book gives the feeling of a Christmas package excitement. Please let us know if we can help, affirm or endorse you in any way. The Little People approve of this message.
Erin James, Reader
"Greg Walter has combined struggle, triumph, love, understanding, and a pure desire to better our environment all into one amazing read. The Ridgewalkers is extremely well written and will keep the reader flipping pages from the edge of their seats. The pure love for the outdoors and the environment is what made me fall in love with this book. The wild adventures the author portrays with his descriptive and engaging writing seemed to be an added bonus to an already amazing read. Bigfoot enthusiasts around the globe will hands-down enjoy this as Sax and Syg lead us on an adventure to escape from so called everyday life. I would highly recommend immersing, like I did, into this adventure with author Greg Walter leading the way," Erin James, reader.
Melissa Jenkins, Reader
The Ridgewalkers is the best, fast-paced novel chock full of adventure, mythology and magical otherworldly twists that I have read all year. The suspense kept me turning the pages, allowing me to finish it in one sitting. The story opens in the Gulf of Alaska then goes to places along the California and Oregon coasts, where Alex performs life-saving missions with the Coast Guard and heads out on a treasure hunt for buried gold. The story really picks up when he embarks on what would become a journey of redemption and gets caught in the middle of a great struggle between the U.S. Government, hired Kehish Hunters and The Ridgewalkers (Bigfoot). A climactic showdown begins to unfold that’s full of danger, heroism, and rescues with an enduring environmental message given from the beings he begins to protect. I cannot wait to see what this author comes up with next!!
John Huff, Reader
In this day of dystopian daydreaming selling at a dime a bag, hope is almost a thought crime. Walter is in the queue for following Winston Smith into Room 101. How dare he be hopeful and give it to us in an adventure yarn: one part monster story, one part fairy tale, one part cliffhanger, one part multi-verse (not universe) saga in the tradition of our best fantasy and sci-fi novelists? But that’s what he does. Hype? No. He crosses this slack wire high above our heads and we can’t stop watching. Renowned atheist Sam Harris says there is a place for the mythopoeic because it literarily provokes thought for our concrete necessity of living in nature -- the importance of balanced dialogue to enable us to flourish in this life without slavery, exploitation or dung heaping our earth.